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License Key Update Request Form

You may use this form to request updated product license keys for CodeSonar.
  • The form data you supply here will be sent to a human who will validate it and send you a new license file by email.
  • Required fields are marked with * (email, license information, reason for request). Please fill in the other fields also, to help us validate your license request.
  • If you used the built-in license update function, the License Information data will be pre-filled for you.
  • If email delivery of your license is not suitable, please enter the single word NONE in the Email field, and write an explanation in the Notes field below regarding your desired delivery.
  • We respect your privacy and will not provide this information to anyone else.
If you require assistance, please contact Support.

Thank you!

Customer Information:

Contact First Name

Contact Last Name


Email Address *

License Information:

If this is not pre-filled, please copy/paste the information obtained by running:
  CodeSonar:   codesonar generate-license

License Information *

Reason for license request *:

Other Notes:

Other Notes


If you need further assistance, please contact CodeSecure Support.

The CodeSecure Support Team